Max Perutz Science Writing Award Entry
Weaving webs for smarter science This piece was submitted for the 2019 Max Perutz Science Writing Award. A competition for MRC students to write about their science to the public. It is aimed for students to communicate about their PhD in a way that a wider audience, such as non-scientific individuals, can understand - to help us build our communication skills. How can we do great science if we can’t find useful information? In the UK there are many repositories that have captured vast collections of patient information. These repositories are called Biobanks. Each Biobank contains confidential data corresponding to the health and wellbeing of thousands of patients, including years of health records, doctor’s letters, and importantly, links those records to banked biosamples. Yet, a lack of standardised clinical annotation across these Biobanks leaves gaps in our knowledge which hampers the utility of millions of biosamples, as they can be difficult to find.
2019/08/15 ·